Thursday, December 3, 2020

Seenaa Oromoota Raayyaa - OBS

Seenaa Oromoota Raayyaa

Warri Kaaba Itoophiyaa keessatti dhimma seenaa barreessaa turan kan ijoo seenaa Oromoo balleessanii Oromoo abbaa biyyummaa dhowwuu yaalan malee kan dhimma dhugaarratti xiyyeeffatanii barreessan hinturre.

Seenaa Oromoo dabsuufi balleessuu bira darbee qomoo Oromoo tokko tokko fuudhanii gonkumaayyuu Oromoo akka hintaane fakkeessanii bakka biraatti geessuu yaalu.

Warri dabiinsa seenaa akkasiin rukutame keessaa Oromoon Yajjuufi Raayyaa isaan tokkodha. Oromoo Yajjuu ilaalichisee altokko fuudhanii ummata Seemiin taasisu, yeroo biraammoo Araboota godhu. Kun garuu, qorannoo gadi fageenyaa gochuu dhiisuurra kan ka’eedha.

Raayyaas akkasuma Oromoo ta’uusaanii haalanii seenaa hinjirre uumuuf barbaadu. Yookaan immoo garee saba kanarraa cite saba biraatti makame fudhatanii gara dudda duubatti deebisuun ka’umsa sanyii Oromoo kanaa gochuu yaalu.

Qoratoonii seenaa Rayyaa qorannoo tokko tokko keessatti Oromoon Raayyaa akka Abbaa Oromoo ta’anittis kan kaa’an jiru. Warri kaan immoo Raayyaan Abbaa Oromoo Maccaati kan jedhanis jiru.

Kanas ta’ee sana qorannoo hayyoota Biiroo Aadaafi Tuurizimii Oromiyaatiin gaggeeffameen Yajjuufi Raayyaan garee Oromoo Baareentummaa ta’uu ibsu.

Oromoon Raayyaa jedhaman Oromoo damee baareentummaa ta’anii hundeen isaanii Marawwaadha. Manguddoonni naannichaayyuu Marawwicha jedhu. Marawwiichimmoo kaaba Itiyoophiyaatii qabee hanga Sudaaniifi Eritiraa Baareentuufi Marawweetti kan qubatan hundee Oromoo guddaadha.

Oromoon Raayyaa hortee biraas niqaba.

Isaanis Oromoo Arsii keessatti argaman Raayituu wajjiniis walitti dhufan. Yaa ta’uutii seera Gadaafi muudaaf gara Odaa Roobaafi Madda Walaabuutti waan deddeebi’aa turaniif hundeen keenya “Awaash Gamaa” dhufne jedhu. Kana jechuun akkuma Maccaafi Tuulamii jedhu “Uumeen Walaabuu baate” sana seerrifi heerri Oromoo Walaabuutti tumamtee jechuufi malee sochiin Oromoo gara kibbaatii kaabatti socho’e jechuu miti.

Kunis rakkoo qorattoota seenaa Oromoo isa guddaa yoo ta’u barreessitoonnis ta’e maanguddonnis aadaa sochii Oromoo waan hinbeekneef sochii kana akka hir’ina guddaatti hinilaallee (Alamaayyoo H. seenaa Oromoo hanga jaarraa 16fa 2006).

Maddi Walaabuu haaromsa Gadaa bara 1451 booda iddoo heerriifi seerir Gadaa walsimachuun bifa haaraan itti lallabameedha.

Qorannoo Raayyaa keessatti bara 1989 gaggeessineen Oromoon Raayyaa gosa gurguddoo 15 (kudha shan) qabu keessa tokkoo Doobbaadha.

Raayyaa gara kibbaa biratti Doobbaaniifi Oflaan Oromoo cittuu jedhamu. Kunis kan gosarraa citan ykn foxxoqan jechuudha. Gosa Doobbaafi Ooflaan malee Oromoon gara kaaba jiraatan Baareentuu, Argiiggoo Indartaafi Waajiraati keessallee ni jiraatu.

Akka barreessitoonni tokko tokko jedhanitti Doobbaas ta’e Waajiraat akkasumas Daami’at, isaantu gadifageenyaan hinqoratiin malee Oromootuma durii kaasee achii jiraataniidha.
Oromoon naannoo Tigraayiifi Ertiriyaa keessa jiraatan dhawaataan amantii kiristaanaafi isilaamaatti makamaa waan deemaniif eenyummaasaanii hirrafataa jiru. Haa ta’uutii garuu meeshaale duudhaa Oromoo mul’isan kan akka kallachaa hanga dhuma jaarraa 18ffatti akka itti gargaaramaa turan hubatama.

Haata’uutii, akka Alamuu Kasasaafi Siisaay Mangisteen barreessanitti Raayyaan dur akka ummata biraa (Doobbaa, Daa’imatiifi Qaggaa Angoot) tureefi booda Oromoon isaan liqimsuufi moggaasuun Raayyaatti isaan moggaasee nutti himu barbaadan. Raayyaan garuu akkuma gosa Oromoo kamiyyu ummatoota biraa moggaasuu ni danda’a. Yaa ta’uutii gosoonni Doobbaafi Daa’imat ykn Daamoot maqaaniis ta’e gosaan Oromoo akka ta’an beekuun dhimma Oromoorratti gadifageenyaan hojjachuutu barbaachisadha.
Kun martii hubannaafi baruumsi seenaa biyya keenya yaraa waan ta’eef loogiin seenarratti hojjatamaa ture cimaa waan turreef hir’inni kun waan mul’ate guutamu kan qabu fakkaata.

❗️ Barreeffamni kun Kan Obbo Alamaayyoo Haayileeti.
Obbo Alamaayyoo Haayilee: Hayyuu Seenaati. Seenaa Oromoo irratti kitaabota barreessaniru. Hayyuun seenaa kun yeroo ammaa Gidduugala Aadaa Oromootti qorataa seenaatis.

Ethiopia 🇪🇹 will launch its second historical Nano Satellite to orbit in January 2021

እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ👏 ኢትዮጵያ🇪🇹 ሁለቸኛውን ናኖ ሳተላይት ልታመጥቅ ነው።

Ethiopia 🇪🇹 will launch its second historical Nano Satellite to orbit in January 2021 from African Space Research Organization as to Ambassador Engineer #Samuel_Merga_Negera!

© World Press

The democratic power transition of the Oromo Gadaa System

The democratic power transition of the Oromo Gadaa System

The Oromo people occupy a vast geographical area in Ethiopia, the home of the ancient Cushites, and the largest population in the country.

Kura Jarso, the Current Abbaa Gadaa of Borana Oromo.

1.1.  Gada System

The Gada system is an ingenious political, social, and socio-economic management system that has played a significant role in the long-term organization of the Oromo people, and it is difficult to give a unambiguous definition of the meaning or meaning of the system, according to various historians and cultural scholars. These same scholars explain that the art of governing the Gada system is a vast and complex system involving many institutions.

Although these scholars do not give a definitive definition, it does explain that the system is as complex as any system of government, with a long life span that is closely linked to the overall life and development of the Oromo people. In addition, according to the historical and cultural research documents, the Gada system is an independent system of the people.

It is a system that divides the people into five political parties and organizes them into age groups and establishes political, economic and social institutions.

In addition, the system is an ancient, equitable, democratic and participatory system in which the people and the country are governed by an ancient, equitable system that has never before been weakened by the history of the Oromo people, the spread of religion and the history of oppressors. In order to have a system of government in particular (legislature, legislator, interpreter and executive), the Gada system is called Legislative or “Chafe Oromo” Legal Interpreter “Abba Sera” and Executive “Abba Alenga” and “Abba Boku”. There are elements in the organization, and it can be understood that these structures have been part of the Oromo Gada leadership since time immemorial.

The Gada system is comprised of all five Oromo political parties, and the names of the parties vary according to the location of the Oromo settlement, but all Oromo tribes operate under the same law. In addition, the organization of political leaders is very complex and receives orders from a single center, and unrelated political groups work together for a common purpose. Therefore, from the point of view of scholars, we understand that in this complex system of government, a large community has a wide range of political institutions, individuals and individuals who are politically competent and capable.

The Gada system has always been based on the principle of participatory democracy, especially in the area of democratic transition.

Gada system age stage organization

Name of Gada Steps ………………… Age Stage ----------------- Work Role

1.   Game …………………… 0 - 8 years --------------- Heroic song practice and game

2.   Debbelle ------------ 8 - 16 --------------- Block the hero song and the calves

3.   Kusa (Folle) ------------- 16 - 24 --------------- Practicing Obedience and Warrior Experience for Fathers

4.   Raba (Kondala) --------- 24 - 32 --------------- Serving as an army

5.   Dori ------------- 32 - 40 -------------- Learning the philosophy of management education

6.   Luba (Gada)     -------------      40 – 48 years ------------- He is the head of state

7.   Yuba  --------------      49 – 72 years -----------

8.   Gedamoji   ----------------    73 – 80  years ------------

9.   Jarsa    -----------------    81 – 88 years -------------

After Yuba or Gada, he serves as an advisor to the Gada leaders, from Yuba, who is in the 1st to 4th levels, to the elders. At this age stage, the system is only 8 (eight) years old at each age level

It requires stay, and staying longer is a violation of customary law, and is subject to legal action. It is also a process in which the political sector divides into five divisions, at the age of attaining political power, and the process by which a person assumes the social and political responsibilities that he or she should perform every eight years, from the age of birth to the age of 88 (eighty-eight).

The five parties will each return to power every 40 years, and according to the Gedi government structure, Abba Gedi will be replaced every eight years by the parties. Accordingly, the Gedi parties come to power every eight years and accept the administration and peacefully hand over the administration to the next party. One party will return to power after 40 years, not by that generation, but by that generation.

It is said that Gada's political organization is participatory and will enable all Oromo people to participate in politics freely and transparently at all levels, from Game to the 88th year of the Jarsa. Women also participate with their brothers before they get married, but after marriage they become part of their husband's political party.

In general, as we understand from this system of democratic transitions and the opinions of scholars who have studied various fields in this field, the system is still in its infancy, a manifestation of the ancient African political system and is currently a hotbed of power in many parts of the world. It can serve as an example of democracy for people to live in dignity and tolerance, and for a group to be willing to put pressure on each other.

Halkan buufatni waraanaa ajaja Kaabaa 'haleelame' loltoonni to'atamanii turan maal argan? - BBC

Halkan buufatni waraanaa ajaja Kaabaa 'haleelame' loltoonni to'atamanii turan maal argan?

Loltoonni Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa Itoophiyaa ajaja Kaabaa keessaa lama, haleellaa ji'a tokkoon dura raawwateefi taateewwan achi booda turan turtii BBC waliin godhaniin himu.

Mootummaan federaalaa Itoophiyaa TPLF waliin gara torbee sadii wal waaraanuun, amma magaalaa Maqalee dabalatee irra jireessa naannichaa to'annoo isaa jala oolchuu himeera.

Kan magaalaa Maqaleetti gaggeeffames oppireeshinii seera kabachiisuu isa dhumaati jedhame. Sadaasa 3 bara 2020 halkan humni poolisii addaa naannoo Tigiraay buufata waraanaa Kaabaa jiru haleele jedhame.

Kanumaan MM Abiy Ahimad humni waraanaa biyyatti humnoota TPLF kanneen irratti tarkaanfii fudhachuu akka jalqaban ajaja kennan.

Qunnamtiin naannicha keessaa adda citee ture. Waraanni qilleensarraa fi lafa irras gaggeeffamaa ture. Lubbuun namoota baay'ee erga waraanichi eegalee darbuun, kumaatamnis qe'ee irraa buqqa'aniiru.

Guyyaa humni TPLF'f amanamu buufata waraanaa ajaja Kaabaa rukute jedhame maaltu uumamee ture?

Loltoota buufata ajaja Kaabaa keessa turaniifi amma lubbuun oolanii achii bahan keessaa BBC'n namoota lama dubbiseera.

Ibiraahim Hasan jedhama. Dhalatee kan guddate Oromiyaa godina Harargee Lixaa tahuu BBCtti himeera.

Erga waraana kanatti makamee waggaa saddet gahuu kan himu Ibiraahim, guyyaa haleellichi jalqabee waan keessa dabran akkasiin BBCtti hime.

Angawootni ABUT dafanii harka akka kennan MM Abiy Ahimad dhaaman
Qondaaltonni TPLF fi humnoonni addaa Maqaleerraa baqatan eessa jiru?
Sadaasa 3 bara 2020 halkan….
''Homaa quba hin qabnu ture. Ittis hin qophoofne. Ani halkan sa'a 4:00 - 6:00 gidduu eegumsa irra tureen deebi'e. Kana gidduutti halkan keessaa sa'a 5:30 yeroo tahu nurratti dhukaasuu jalqaban.

Kana gidduutti qabsaa'onni durii uummata Tigiraay mooraa keenya galuun harka kennadhaa, meeshaa hin dhukaasiinaa nu jedhan. Kana booda booji'amtaniittu nu jedhan.''

Ibiraahim humna waraanichaa keessatti tajaajila qunnamtii irra akka hojjetu himee, isaafi hiriyoonni isaa meeshaa of harkaa qabanis osoo hin dhukaasiin akka turan hime.

Gaafa Onkoloolessa 27 akkuma to'atamanii jiraniitti gara loltoota 5,000 kan taanu bakka Idagaa Hamus jedhamutti nu geessan jedhe Ibiraahim.

Erga achi tursiisanii torban booda ammoo gammoojjii bakka leenjiin itti kennamu Abii Addii jedhamutti nu geessuun bakka sadiitti nu qoodan jedhe.

Hoggantoota olaanoo fi gidduugaleessaa, dubartootaa fi loltoota kaan adda baasan jedhe. Haala kanaan A.L.I Sadaasa 7-16tti achuma keessa akka turan hima.

Ogeeyyii 50 ol Tigraayitti bobbaasuu Waldaan Fannoo Diimaa Itoophiyaa ibse
Hospitaalli Maqalee guddichi 'hanqinni meeshaalee wal'aansaa mudateera'
Loltuun biraa BBC'n dubbise ajajaa kudhanii Bulchaa jedhamu kutaa waraanaa 11ffaa irra kan ture hima.

Bulchaan waggoota kudhaniif naannoo Tigraay bakka adda addaatti tajaajila loltummaan akka hojjechaa ture hima.

Guyyaa haleellichi raawwate hiriyoonni isaanii ''nuyi qabamnee jirra. Yoo dandeessan nuuf qaqqabaa ykn ammoo lubbuu keessan baafadhaa,'' jedhanii ergaa gabaabaan akka barreessaniif hima.

Kun halkan keessaa sa'a jaha irratti tahuu kan himu Bulchaan, meeshaa keenya fudhachuuf gara kuusaa gaafa deemnu namni achi keessa hojjetu hin fudhattan jedhee nu dide jedhe.

Kana gidduutti humni addaa naannoo Tigiraay gara samiitti qabanii dhukaasuu jalqabani jedhe. Haa tahu malee falmiin booda meeshaa isaanii fudhatanii hanga gaafa 25 bara 2013 guyyaatti waraana irra akka turan hima.

''Booda hoggantoonni keenya dhukaasa dhaabaa gara mana keessaniitti galaa jennaan, dhaabnee gara buufata keenyaatti galle.

Guyyuma sana gara sa'aa 8:00 hoggantoonni keenya waraana dhiisaa meeshaa gara kuusaa isaatti deebisaa nu jennaan deebisne.

Kana gidduutti luboota fakkaatanii fannoo qabatanii dhufuun dhiifama nu gaafatan. Nuyi qaama nu waraanes maaliif akka tahes waan hin beekneef dhiifama goonu hin qabnu jennee gaafa didnu deebi'anii sokkan.''

Bulchaan ajajoonni isaanii guyyuma sana ammas furtuu of harkaa qabnu nu deebisiisanii meeshaa waraanaan ala kan dhuunfaa keessanii walitti qabadhaa bakka deemtan qabdu nu jedhan jedhe.

Erga sakatta'insa gaggeessanii booda konkolaataan dhufee gara Idagaa Hamusitti akka isaan geessan hima.

Kaartaa magaalota Naannoo Tigraay agarsiisu
'Filannoo sadii nuuf kennan'
Ibiraahim Tambeen erga deemanii booda guyyaatti daabboof bishaan dhiyaachaafi akka ture dubbata.

''Booda filannoo sadii nuuf kennan. Tokko namoonni fedha qaban gara humna addaa naannoo Tigiraayitti makamuun waraanicha irratti hirmaachuu, kan lammaffaa namootni naannoo Tigraay keessa jiraachuu barbaadan achumatti hafanii jiraachuu akka danda'anii fi kan sadaffaa ammoo gara bakka dhaloota keenyaatti deemuu warri barbaannu akka deemnu ture.

''Kana irratti humni keenya guutuun isaa gara bakka dhaloota keenyaatti deemuu barbaanna jechuun waliigalle.

''Kanaaf gaafa Sadasaa 19 erga gara torban sadii nu tursiisanii booda konkolaataa fe'umsaan dhalattoota Amaaraa fi Oromoo gara naannoo Amaaraatti nu galchan. Amma Saqoxaa keessa jirra,'' jedheera.

Ibiraahim namoonni to'annoo humnoota TPLF jalaa bahuun fe'aman gara 9,000 akka tahan himee, ammayyuu achitti kan hafan odeeffannoon qabuun gara 4,000 tahuu jedhe.

Lakkoofsa kana gama mootummaanis tahe BBCn hin mirkaneessine.

Qondaaltonni siyaasaa Adda Bilisa Baasaa Ummata Tigraay (ABBUT) gama isaatiin miseensota waraanaa Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa 4,000 ol ta'an kan tibba Izzii Kaabaa haleelaniitti to'ataman gadhiisu beeksisuun isaa ni yaadatama.

Uffanni dambii gubachuu
Ibiraahim humnoonni TPLF loltoota qabatan keessaa kanneen meeshaa gurguddaa dhukaasuu danda'aniifi ogummaa adda addaa qaban adda baafachuun isaan irratti xiyyeeffatu jedhe.

Dabalataan Bulchaan yeroo filannoon dhiyaatuuf uffata loltummaa akka ofirraa baasuu qaban itti himamuu dubbata. Ta'ulleen garuu inni waan itti adda baanee beekamnu waan taheef baasuu hin qabnu jedhanii akka didan hime.

Yoo kan baasnu tahe ammoo achumatti hundi isaa gubachuu akka qabu gaafachuu hima.

Kanaaf kaameeraan waraabaa dhufanii uffata irraa baasanii achumatti guban jedhe.

Haala kanaanis namoota gara bakka dhaloota keenyaatti deemuu filanna jedhan konkolaataa 28 ta'uun fe'anii akka gara naannoo Amaaraatti ergan hima. Guyyaa afur boodas naannoo Amaaraa Saqoxaa galle jedhe.

Achitti uummanni tajaajila akka kennaafii jiru BBCtti himeera.

Turtii Tigiraay keessaa….
Ibiraahim gochaan akkanaa naannicha keessatti isaan irra ni gaha jedhee yaadee akka hin beekne hime.

Uummata waliin turre. Hiyyeessota gargaaraa turre. Mana ijaaraafi qamadii haamaafi turre.

Garuu haala amma isaan naannichatti mudateen baayyee gadduu isaa BBCtti himeera Ibiraahim.

Akkasumas Bulchaan, mindaa isaanii irraa kutuun uummata Tigiraayiif mana barumsaa ijaarsisaa, awwaannisa ari'aafi hojii kaaniin gargaaraa akka turan yaadata.

Waan akkanaa nurratti raawwata jedhee yaadees hin beeku jedhe.

Sarara diimaa
Waraanni mootummaa federaalaa fi TPLF gidduutti eegale amma ji'a tokko guutuuf jedha. Magaalaa Maqalee dabalatee naannoon Tigiraay irra caalaan to'annoo mootummaa federaalaa jala galuu MM Abiy Ahimad himaniiru.

Waraana kana hordofee namoonni 40,000 ol tahan qe'ee isaanii irraa baqatanii biyya ollaa Sudaan galaniiru.

Isaaniin deebisanii galchuufi deeggarsi namoomaa bakkeewwan barbaadamanitti akka dhiyaatan gochuuf mootummaan akka hojjetus ibsameera.

Hogganaan TPLF Dabratsiyoon Gabra Mikaa'el garuu ittuma fufanii akka lolan himanii ture.

Maddi: BBC News Afaan Oromoo

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Rakkoo nageenyaa Sudaan Kibbaatti muudataa tureef gareen gantuu TPLF harka keessaa akka qabu Itiyoophiyaatti Ambaasaaddarri Sudaan Kibba Ambaasaaddar Jeems Pittaa Morgaan himan.

Rakkoo nageenyaa Sudaan Kibbaatti muudataa tureef gareen gantuu TPLF harka keessaa akka qabu Itiyoophiyaatti Ambaasaaddarri Sudaan Kibba Ambaasaaddar Jeems Pittaa Morgaan himan.

Adeemsa marii nageenya Sudaan Kibbaa akka hin milkoofneef gareen junta TPLF hojii diiguumsaa hojjechaa akka ture himaniru.
Kanaafis nageenyi waaraa Sudaan Kibaatti kan hin buune gareen gantuu TPLF harka keessaa akka qabu ambaasaaddarichi himaniiru.

Ambaasaaddar Jeems Pittaa Morgaan, Dhaabbata Pireesii Itioophiyaatti akka himanitti waliigaltee marii nageenyaa Sudaan Kibbaa hoggantoota olaanoo TPLFn bu’aa waliigalteerra gahuu dhabuu himaniiru.

Adeemsa Marii Nageenyaa Sudaan Kibbaa miseensa garee gantuu TPLF kan ta’an obbo Siyyuum Masfiin marichi bifa jaarsummaan yoo taasifameyyuu garee paartii mormituu kaaniin waliigalteerra akka hin geenye ambaassaaddarichi himaniiru.

Dhimma nageenyaa Sudaan Kibbaa kanas yeroo baay’ee akka hin milkoofnee gareen Juntaa TPLF harka keessa qabaachuusaa ilaalchise Ministirri Muummee Dr. Abiyyi Ahmad, Mana Marii Bakka Bu’ootaa Uummataaf dhiheessan dhugaa tahuusaa fi itti gammaduusaanii Obbo Jeems Pittaa himaniru.


The number of people killed in Mai Kadra could rise further than previously thought

The number of people killed in Mai Kadra could rise further than previously thought

The number of people killed in Maikadra is likely to rise, according to the state of emergency fact check.
During a recent field visit to Mai kadra, the SOE Fact Check information on the October 30, 2013 massacre in the city.

Witnesses interviewed by members of the SOE Fact Check and survivors of the assassination attempt, as well as the families of the victims, described the crime as horrific and racially motivated.
Members of the Board of Inquiry reported that 50 to 60 bodies had been toured together.

According to the SOE Fact Check, the death toll could rise as previously reported by various media outlets and human rights organizations.
Investigators said they had received a tip-off from locals that they had not seen the bodies of the interim administration.
The Board confirmed that the massacre was committed by a local militia group called "Samri" before fleeing the area to the National Defense Forces (NDF).

On the other hand, according to information obtained by the SOE Fact Check there are also Tigrayans who have saved the lives of many people by hiding their victims in their homes, churches and farms.
Members of the SOE Fact Check visited the victims' area, commonly known as "Ginb Sefer", and spoke with the families of the victims and survivors of the assassination attempt.

Amnastii Intarnaashinaal addabbii du'aa Masriitti dabalaa dhufe balaaleffate

Amnastii Intarnaashinaal addabbii du'aa Masriitti dabalaa dhufe balaaleffate!

Dhaabbanni Amnastii Intarnaashinaal adabbii du'aa Masrii keessatti garmalee dabalaa jiru balaaleffachuun aanga'ootaan ''ajjeechaa suukkanneessaan gammadu'' jechuun himateera.

Gareen mirgootaa akka jedhaniitti Masiriin baatiiwwan Onkoloolessaafi Sadaasaa keessa qofaatti yoo xinnaate namoota 57 du'aan adabdee jirti, kunis kan guutuu bara 2019 dachaadha jedhameera.

Masriin garuu gabaasicha irratti yaada hinkennine.


Namoota yakka ajjeechaa Artist Hacaaluu Hundeessaa irratti shakkamanirratti ragaan dhagahamuu jalqabe

Namoota yakka ajjeechaa Artist Hacaaluu Hundeessaa irratti shakkamanirratti ragaan dhagahamuu jalqabe

Xilaahun Yaamii dabalatee namoota afur kanneen yakka ajjeechaa Artisti Haacaaluu Hundeessaatiin himatamanirratti ragaan abbaa alangaa kaleessa dhaga'amuu eegale.

Ragaalee dhiyaatan 12 keessaa kan sadiinsaanii kan dhaga'ame yoo ta'u, kan nama tokkoo walfakkaata jechuun abbaan alangaa otoo hindhageessisiin hafeera.

Dhaddachi olaanaan ramaddii Lidataa dhimmoota yakka heeraafi farra shororkaa ragaalee hafan dhaggeeffachuuf har'atti beellameera.


Tajaajilli Teeleekoomii Allaamaaxaatti guutumatti yoo eegalu iddoolee biroottis walakkeessan hojii eegale

Tajaajilli Teeleekoomii Allaamaaxaatti guutumatti yoo eegalu iddoolee biroottis walakkeessan hojii eegale!

Tajaajjilli Teeleekoomii Allaamaaxaatti guutumatti yoo eegalu iddoolee biroottis walakkeessan hojii akka eegale Iityoo – Teeleekoomi beeksise.

Daanshaa, Tarkaan, Humaraa, Shiraaroo, Maaytsabrii fi Maaykaadiraatti walakkeessaan hojii eegaluu dhaabbatichi beeksiseera.

Iityoo Teeleekoom miidhaa bu’uuraalee misoomarra qaqqabe suphuun hojii deebisanii ijaaruu fi filannoo dhiyeessii humnaa argametti fayyadamuun tajaajila eegaluu isaa ifoomseera.

Naannichatti hundatti tajaajila Teeleekoomii eegalchiisuuf bu’uuraalee miidhaman deebisee misoomsaa jiraachuu ibseera.

Dhiyeessii humnaa idilee argachuuf Humna Elektirikaa Ityoophiyaa waliin hojjetamaa jiraachuu beeksiseeran.

Filannoo humnaa argametti fayyadamuun naannicha hunda keessatti tajaajila Teeleekoomii yeroo gabaabaa keessatti eegalchiisuuf tattaaffii olaanaa taasisaa jiraachuu Iityoo – Teeleekoom beeksiseera.


The Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has launched today software that enables it to mitigate corruption.

The Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has launched today software that enables it to mitigate corruption.

Speaking during the launching ceremony, Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Deputy Commissioner Wedo Atto said the commission is working not only to mitigate corruption but also produce honest individuals and leaders that despise corruption.

The commission is also striving to create corruption free institutional culture through concerted and integrated efforts, he added.

The software of the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission was developed in collaboration with Information Network Security Agency (INSA).

INSA Director-General, Shumete Gizaw said on the occasion that the objective of the platform is to alleviate corruption in the country.

According to him, the platform can be accessible to everyone, including individuals cell phones, so that they can easily provide information on corruption and related practices.

The software, unlike the traditional paper-based provision of information, keeps the privacy of individuals who offer information in connection to corruption, the director-general pointed out.

Beyond providing and receiving information, the system would also enable registration of assets of individuals and companies and updates the registered wealth information, Shumete explained.

The software will be delivered to organizations freely, he said, urging all institutions to use the system that helps to control the corruption.

Profile of Ethiopian Army During TPLF Regime

Profile of Ethiopian Army During TPLF Regime

High Ranking Military Officials During TPLF Regime

Principal Defense Departments

NoJob DivisionName & RankEthnic Group
1Armed Forces Chief-of-StaffGeneral Smora YenusTigre
2Armed Forces Head of TrainingLt.General Tadesse WordeTigre
3Head of LogisticsLt.General Gezae AberaTigre
4Head of IntelligenceBr. General Gebre DelaTigre
5Armed Forces Head of CampaignMajor General GebreegzherTigre
6Armed Forces Head of EngineeringLt.General Berhane NegashTigre
7Chief of the Air ForceChief of the Air ForceTigre

Heads of the Nation’s four Military Commands

NoJob DivisionName & RankEthnic Group
1Central CommandGeneral Abebaw TadesseAgew
2Northern CommandLt.General Saere MekoneneTigre
3South Eastern CommandLt.General Abraha WoldeTigre
4Western CommandBr. General Seyoum HagosTigre

Army Divisional Commanders

Central Command

NoJob DivisionName & RankEthnic Group
131st Army DivisionColonel Tsegaye MarxTigre
233rd Army DivisionColonel KidaneTigre
335th Army DivisionColonel Misganaw AlemuTigre
424th Army DivisionColonel Work AynuTigre
522nd Army DivisionColonel DikulTigre
68th Mechanized DivisionColonel Jamal MohammedTigre

Northern Command

NoJob DivisionName & RankEthnic Group
114st Army DivisionColonel Wodi AntiruTigre
221st Army DivisionColonel Gueshi GebreTigre
311th Army DivisionColonel WorkiduTigre
425th Army DivisionColonel Tesfay SahielTigre
522nd Army DivisionColonel Teklay KlashinTigre
64th Mechanized DivisionColonel Hinsaw GiorgisTigre

South Eastern Command

NoJob DivisionName & RankEthnic Group
119st Army DivisionColonel Wodi GuaaeTigre
244st Army DivisionColonel Zewdu TeferaTigre
313th Army DivisionColonel SherifoTigre
412th Army DivisionColonel Mulugeta BerheTigre
532nd Army DivisionColonel Abraha TselimTigre
66th Mechanized DivisionColonel G/Medhin FekedeTigre

Western Command

NoJob DivisionName & RankEthnic Group
123rd Army DivisionColonel Wolde BelalomTigre
243rd Army DivisionColonel Wodi AbateTigre
326th Army DivisionColonel MebrahtuTigre
47th Mechanized DivisionColonel Gebre MariamTigre

Commanders in Different Defense Departments

NoJob DivisionName & RankEthnic Group
1Agazi Commando DivisionB.General Mohammed EshaTigre
2Addis Ababa & Surrounding Area GuardColonel Zenebe AmareTigre
3Palace GuardColonel GerensayTigre
4Banking GuardColonel Hawaz WolduTigre
5Engineering CollegeColonel Halefom EggiguTigre
6Military Health ScienceB.General Tesfay GideyTigre
7Mulugeta Buli Technical CollegeColonel Meleya AmareTigre
8Resource Management CollegeColonel LetayTigre
9Siftana Command CollegeB.General Moges HaileTigre
10Blaten Military Training CenterColonel Salih BerihuTigre
11Wourso Military Training CenterColonel Negash HelufTigre
12Awash Arba Military Training CenterColonel MuzeTigre
13Birr Valley Military Training CenterColonel Negassie ShikortetTigre
14Defense Administration DepartmentB.General Mehari ZewdeTigre
15Defense AviationB.General Kinfe DagnewTigre
16Defense Research and StudyB.General Halefom ChentoTigre
17Defense Justice DepartmentColonel AskaleTigre
18Secretary of the Chief-of-StaffColonel Tsehaye ManjusTigre
19Indoctrination CenterB.General Akale AsayeAmhara
20Communications DepartmentColonel SebbhatTigre
21Foreign Relations DepartmentColonel HasseneTigre
22Special Forces Coordination DepartmentB.General Fisseha ManjusTigre
23Operations DepartmentColonel Wodi TewkTigre
24Planning, Readiness and Programming DepartmentColonel Teklay AshebirTigre
25Defense Industries Coordination DepartmentColonel Wodi NegashTigre
26Defense Finance DepartmentColonel ZewduTigre
27Defense Purchasing DepartmentColonel GedeyTigre
28Defense Budget DepartmentAto/Mr. BerhaneTigre

Note: the regime in Addis Ababa refused to provide the name of all the military and security leadership, their credential and their ethnic composition as the regime policy dictates. Therefore, the list of the names above is provided by insiders in the rank and file of the leaders to Ginbot 7 Movement in 2009. Therefore, the Military/security apparatus should be considered the extension of the TPLF and by no means should be mistaken as the Ethiopian Defense Force.

(Taken from

Unacceptable Act The war on Tigray: massacres of Tigrayans in western Tigray that is under Amhara occupation

Unacceptable Act The war on Tigray: massacres of Tigrayans in western Tigray that is under Amhara occupation

The war on Tigray has multiple dimensions, one of which is snatching Tigrayan lands. Following the Abiy Ahmed and Isaias march on Western Tigray, the Amhara region has occupied the area and is actively expelling and exterminating Tigrayans and installing Amhara administration.

Horrific reports of systematic Tigrayan extermination is taking place. When an AFP journalist visited Mai-Kadra, the newly installed Amhara ruler could not show one Tigrayan in the town despite his claim there are still Tigrayans. Imagine not finding one Tigrayan in a Tigrayan town.

Credible reports indicate that the Amhara vigilante groups that have occupied Western Tigray first massacre Tigrayans and bury them in mass graves. Then they claim they have found mass graves of Amharas killed by Tigrayans.

Today, Amhara Mass Media Agency posted about a staged demonstration where it says the people of Western Tigray have asked for incorporation into Amhara. This is a systematic ethnic cleansing of Tigrayans and an annexation of Tigrayan lands by another regional state, accomplished by the combined invasion of Tigray.

Maamiltoonni lakkoofsa Herreegaa Baankoota naannoo Tigraayitti banatanii fi naannichaa ala jiran bakka jiranitti sochoosuu akka danda’an eeyyamame

Maamiltoonni lakkoofsa Herreegaa Baankoota naannoo Tigraayitti banatanii fi naannichaa ala jiran bakka jiranitti sochoosuu akka danda’an eeyyamame!

Maamiltoonni lakkoofsa Herreegaa Baankoota naannoo Tigraayitti argamanitti banatanii fi naannichaa ala jiralan bakka jiranitti sochoosuu akka danda’an eeyyamamuu Baankiin Biyyaalessaa beeksise.

Qaamolee yakkaan shakkamuun Abbaa Alangaa Waliigalaan lakkoofsi herreega baankii isaanii akka hin sochoone ittifamaniin ala maamiltoonni lakkoofsa Herreegaa Baankoota naannoo Tigraayitti banatanii fi naannichaa ala jiran Sadaasa 23, 2013 irraa eegalee bakka jiranitti sochoosuu akka danda’an eeyyamamuu ibsameera.
Naannichaatti iddoolee haalli nageenyaa amansiisaa ta’etti Baankoonni hojii akka eegalan hojjechaa jiraachuu Baankiin Biyyaaleessa Ityoophiyaa beeksiseera.
Naannolee haalli nageenyaa amansiisaa hin taanetti ammoo Baankonni cufaman kan turan ta’uu ibseera.

National Bank of Ethiopia Logo

Breaking News: 38 TPLF Leaders Arrested, Federal Police Announces

Breaking News: 38 TPLF Leaders Arrested, Federal Police Announces

Federal Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zelalem Mengiste, told Ethio FM that 38 TPLF leaders have been under the arrested so far.

However, the deputy commissioner did not say who was in custody.

According to the deputy commissioner, 298 TPLF leaders have been ordered to search and search their homes.

The Deputy Commissioner is briefing the House of Representatives on the matter, and we will follow up with more information.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

ከሰሜን ዕዝ ከተለያዩ ብርጌዶችና ክፍለ ጦሮች ታግተው የነበሩ ከ1 ሺህ በላይ የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባላት ሠቆጣ ገቡ

ከሰሜን ዕዝ ከተለያዩ ብርጌዶችና ክፍለ ጦሮች ታግተው የነበሩ ከ1 ሺህ በላይ የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባላት ሠቆጣ ገቡ

ከሰሜን ዕዝ ከተለያዩ ብርጌዶችና ክፍለ ጦሮች በጁንታው ኃይል ታግተው የነበሩ 1 ሺህ 240 የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባላት ወደ ዋግኸምራ ዞን ሠቆጣ ከተማ ገብተዋል።
የሠራዊት አባላቱ ከህዳር 20 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም ከ 8 ሰዓት ጀምሮ እስከ ትላንት ማታ 12 ሰዓት ድረስ ነው ወደ ሠቆጣ የገቡት።
የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባላቱ ሠቆጣ ለመግባት በርካታ ውጣ ውረድ ማለፋቸውንም ገልጸዋል።
በተለይም የተከዜን ኮሪደር ተከትለው በቀን እና በሌሊት የእግር ጉዞ እንዲሁም ወንዝና ጫካ እያቆራረጡ ሠቆጣ መግባታቸውን የሠራዊቱ አባላት ተናግረዋል።
የአካባቢው አስተዳደር ለሠራዊቱ የምግብ እና የህክምና አቅርቦት ማመቻቸቱም ተመልክቷል።


Lieutenant General Birhanu Jula Gelalcha

Lieutenant General Birhanu Jula Gelalcha

Lieutenant General Birhanu Jula Gelalcha is a general with the Ethiopian National Defense Force. He is currently the Chief of General Staff of Ethiopia since 4 November 2020. He served as the Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) from 2014 to 2016.

Lieutenant General Gelalcha holds a bachelor's degree from Alpha University College and a master's degree from Greenwich University, both in Addis Ababa. In 2006, Lieutenant General Gelalcha worked with the UN Mission in Liberia and held the position of Sector Commander. He has also held various other positions with the army including with the Ministry of National Defence, the Cadet School and Brigade Operations. From 2006 to 2009, he was the army's Deputy Commander of the Central Command. In 2010, Lieutenant General Gelalcha was appointed Commander of the Western Command in the Ethiopian Army.

Lieutenant General Gelalcha was appointed as Force Commander of UNISFA on 21 November 2014 by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. At the time, he was a major general. He was promoted to lieutenant general sometime before 9 December 2015. His term ended on 15 January 2016 with the appointment of Major General Hassen Ebrahim Mussa.



Naannoo Tigraayitti qabeenyi Juuntaa TPLF'n saamame deebi’e akka bakka bu’uufi ummanni tajaajila barbaachisu akka argatuuf kan hojjatamuu ta’uu Hojii rawwachisaa olaanaan bulchinsa yeroo naannichaa Dr.Muluu Naggaa beeksisan.

Naannoo Tigraayitti qabeenyi Juuntaa TPLF'n saamame deebi’e akka bakka bu’uufi ummanni tajaajila barbaachisu akka argatuuf kan hojjatamuu ta’uu Hojii rawwachisaa olaanaan bulchinsa yeroo naannichaa Dr.Muluu Naggaa beeksisan.

Hojii rawwachisaa olaanaan bulchinsa yeroo naannichaa marii jiraattoota magaalaa Shiree Indaasillaasee waliin taa'aniin bulchinsi ummanni itti amane hundaa'eera jedhan.

Haluma kanan Kaantibaa dabalatee miseensonni mana maree filatamuu beeksisaniiru.
Gandoota magaalatti shanan keessatti miseensonni waltajjii gorsitoota ummataa filatamuus eeraniiru.
Manni maree aanaa fi gandaa garuu gara hojii idileetti akka deebi’aniif Dr.Muluun waamicha dhiyyeessaniiru.
Manneen marii hoggantoota sadarkaa aanaafi gandaatti ummata bulchan akka filatan hubachisaniiru.
Baajata aanichaa fayyadamuun qabeenyi mootummaafi ummataa saamame akka bakka bu’u dubbataniiru.

Dr. Muluun Jiraattonni magaalichaa bulchinsa yeroo cinaa hiriiruun tasgabbii magaalattiif akka hojjataniif waamicha dhiyyeessaniiru.
Jiraattoonni marii kanaratti hirmaatanis bulchinsa yeroo waliin ta’uun nageenya magaalichaa eeguufi dhaabbileen mootummaa tajaajila akka jalqabaniif gaheesanii bahuuf qophii ta'uu himaniiru.
Tajaajila Oduu Itiyoophiyaarra odeeffanne.

One of the 9 Executive Committee leaders of the TPLF, Keria Ibrahim, has surrendered to Federal forces.

Breaking @SOEFactCheck

One of the 9 Executive Committee leaders of the TPLF, Keria Ibrahim, has surrendered to Federal forces.

Keria Ibrahim held one of the key federal government posts as Former Speaker of the House of Federation until her resignation to join the clique in Mekelle.

Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen Confers with #UN special envoy for Africa

Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen Confers with #UN special envoy for Africa

H.E. Mr. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of #Ethiopia, received at his office today (December 01), H.E. Parfait Onanga, special envoy of the United Nations for the Horn of Africa.

Talking with the special envoy, Mr. Demeke Mekonnen explained that the operation that the federal government is undertaking in the Tigray region aimed at restoring constitutionality and rule of law.
The government is taking all the necessary caution for the protection of civilians and the avoidance of collateral damage during the operation, Mr. Demeke added.

The government has succeeded in wresting control of most of the areas in Tigray, he said adding that the government has started to set up interim administrations in the liberated areas.
Since most of the areas are under government control, the government is ready to facilitate the works of humanitarian actors in the region, he said.

He said the government is providing humanitarian assistance to people who need urgent support based on the needs assessment studies conducted by government agencies.

He also explained the government’s readiness to support all Ethiopians that have fled to return back to their communities.
The special envoy thanked Mr. Demeke for the briefing and underlined the need to continue to ensure the protection of civilians, human rights, and access to humanitarian assistance to the affected areas.

Abbaan Gadaa Kuraa Jaarsoo ''Shaneen nyaapha Booranaati'' jechuun labsan - BBC

Abbaan Gadaa Kuraa Jaarsoo ''Shaneen nyaapha Booranaati'' jechuun labsan

Abbaan Gadaa Booraanaa amma ballii harkaa qaban Kuraa Jaarsoo qaamni maqaa ''Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo'' jedhee of waamuufi mootummaan ''ABO-Shanee'' jedhuun ''nyaapha (diina) Booranaati'' jedhanii labsuu BBC'tti himan.

''Qaamni uummata isaaf qabsaa'a jedhu deebi'ee ummata isaa ajjeesuu hin qabu, ijoolleen tuni Boorana ajjeesuu jirtii'' jedhan Abbaa Gadaa Kuraa Jaarsoo.

Gareen kuni ajjeechaa, dararaa, saamichaafi yakkoota gara garaan poolisiifi qaamota nageenyaan akkasumas jiraattotaan himatama. Ifatti garuu hoggantoonni garee kanaa himannaa kana haalu.

Labsii kana labsuufis kan isaan dirqe 'miidhama ummatarra gahudha' jedhan Abbaan Gadaa Booranaa.

Waggaa lama dura bara 2018'tti Ministirri Muummee Abiy Ahimad aangoo qabachuu hordofee dirree siyaasaa bal'isuuf jecha dhaabbileen siyaasaa qabsoo hidhannoo gaggeessan dabalatee karaa nagaa qabsaa'uuf biyyatti deebi'an keessaa ABO'n tokko.

Miseensonni kutaa waraanaa ABO, WBO adeemsa araaraa mootummaan hin gammanne hammi tokko bosonatti yoo hafan gar tokkommoo karaa nagaatti deebi'ani turan.

Kanaanis, kanneen bosonatti hafan bakkeewwan gama Lixaafi Kibba biyyattii humnoota nageenyaa mootummaa waliin walitti bu'uun balaan dhaqqabaa ture. Kana gidduuttis jiraattonni miidhamaniiru.

Torban durallee humnoonni nageenyaa Itoophiyaa daangaa Keeniyaatti ce'un kanneen hidhattoota kanaaf dahoo kennitu jedhan yoo xiqqaate 10 to'achuu jiraattonni BBC'tti himaniiru.

ABO'n duratti ammaan achi waraana bosonaati hin qabu jedhee labsuus mootummaan ammallee waliin dalagaa jiru jechuun himata, dhaabichi himannaa kana hin fudhatu.

Bakkeewwan hidhattoonni dur ABO jala turaniifi yeroo ammaa addatti socho'u dubbatan keessaa tokko Godina Booranaa, fi Kaaba Keeniyaati.

Bakkeewwan kanneen Abbaa Gadaa ta'un kan tajaajilan Abbaan Gadaa Booranaa Kuraa Jaarsoo gareen kuni kayyoorraa maqeera, Boorana ajjeesuu jirtii jedhan.

Qaroo Booranni qabu, jaarsaa jaartii, miidhaa jiruu kan jedhan Abbaan Gadaa Kuraa Jaarsoo''dhiyoo kana aanaa Areeroo ganda reeddii keessatti daa'ima ganna 12 horii tiksu ijjeeftee fanniftee mukatti'' jedhan.

''Eega isiin sadarkaa kana qaqqabdee nyaapha keessanii ofirraa dhuwwaa jennee'' jedhu.

''Shaneen nyaapha'' jechuun irratti labsame kami?

Abbaan Gadaa Kuraa Jaarsoo Shanee jedhamee qaamni irratti labsiin kun labsame kan dur ABO jedhamee beekamudha jedhan.

''Qaamni gurmaayee amma jiru kun garuu bifa ABO duraaniillee hin qabu. ABO'n duraa sun warra gaafa wayyaaneen lafa kana qabatte mirga ummata Oromoof falmuuf ala baye'' jedhan.

MM Abiy Ahimad erga aangoo qabatanii ABO akka galu ta'us qaamni gariin waraana kana osoo hin galiin hafuun ''qabsoo kalee baateef lakkiiftee qaamni isiin haatu uummata ta'ee'' jedhu.

Qaamni kun TPLF waliin kan hojjetuufi Oromoon walittii garagalee tokko ta'ee akka hin deemne warra ilaalchi isaanii durii jijjiirameedhaa jechuunis ibsan Abbaan Gadaa Booranaa.

Abbootiin Gadaa fi jaarroliin biyyaa qaama kana galchuuf irra deddeebiin yaaluus ibsanii, ''waan jarri as jiruuf hin beeknu'' jedhan.

Qamni amma diina (nyaapha) jechuun Abbaan Gadaa Booranaa Kuraa Jaarsoo labsan, ''Shanee'' kun uummata Booranaa irratti miidhaa guddoo geessise jedhu.

''Boorana keessa yoo yaatu horii kumaan qalattee nyaatti, niitii Booranaa dhirsa biraa baaftee bir rafti, durba Booranaa durba Gaammee aadaan hin hayyamne gudeeddi, nama karaatti qabdee ajjeefti, nama beekamaa maqaa qabu jaarsa biyyaa mara ajjeefti'' jechuun badii qaama kanaan raawwate jedhan sababeeffachuun nyaapha ta'uu labsuullee himan.

Hoggantoonni garee kanaa bosonatti hafan himannaa akkanaa irra deddeebbin irratti ka'u garuu ni balaaleeffatu.

Labsii kanaaf sababni maali?

Abbaan Gadaa bara baallii harkaa qaban labsiin dhimmoota gurguddoo hawaasaarratti labsan uummata saniin safeeffatamee hojiirra oola.

Labsiin amma isin lallabdan kun dhiibbaa mootummaa of keessaa qabaa jechuun gaaffii BBC irraa dhiyaateef deebii Abbaan Gadaa Kuraa deebisan ''miidhama uummatarra gahutu labsii kanaaf sababa ta'e'' jedhan.

Kanaan dura qaamoleen hidhatan kun kan lolan qaama nageenyaa mootummaa akka caasaa mootummaa, poolisii Federaalaafi raayyaa ittisa biyyaa ta'uu himanii, ''amma garagaltee uummata Booranaarratti diina taate'' jedhan.

Labsiin ''Shaneen nyaapha Booranaati'' jedhamee labsamees sababa ummata midhaa jiruufi jedhan. Labsii kanaan walqabatee uummatni qaama kana aardaa maratti ofirraa loluutti jiras jedhaniiru.

የቀድሞ የፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት አፈ ጉባኤ ወ/ሮ ኬሪያ ኢብራሂም እጃቸውን ሰጡ

የቀድሞ የፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት አፈ ጉባኤ ወ/ሮ ኬሪያ ኢብራሂም እጃቸውን ሰጡ

የቀድሞ የፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት አፈ ጉባኤ ወ/ሮ ኬሪያ ኢብራሂም እጃቸውን መስጠታቸው ተሰምቷል፡፡

ወ/ሮ ኬርያ የሕወሓት ከፍተኛ አመራርና በመንግሥት ውስጥም ከፍተኛ የስራ ኃላፊነት የነበራቸው ናቸው።

ቀደም ሲል የጁንታው ጥቅም ይበልጥብኛል ብለው ወደ መቀሌ ሸሽተው የነበረ ሲሆን አሁን በሰላማዊ መንገድ እጃቸውን ለመንግስት ሰጥተዋል፡፡

ወደ መቀሌ ሲሄዱ አድርሷቸው የነበረው ሾፌራቸው በወቅቱ የመንግሥትን ንብረት ለጁንታው አልሰጥም ብሎ መኪናውን ይዞ ወደ አዲስ አበባ ተመልሷል።

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Mannneen Jeneraalotaa fi Qondaalota Waraanaa Dhiheenya Hidhamanii Keessaa Meeshaan Waraanaa Argame, Jedha Poolisiin Federaalaa - VOA

Mannneen Jeneraalotaa fi Qondaalota Waraanaa Dhiheenya Hidhamanii Keessaa Meeshaan Waraanaa Argame, Jedha Poolisiin Federaalaa

Yakka biyya ganuutiin shakkamanii to'annoo jala kan jiran Jeeneraloonni fi qondaaltotni waraanaa manneen isaanii sakatta’ame meeshaaleen waraanaa nama dhuunfaa harkatti argamuu hin qabne keessatti argame, jechuun Komishiniin Poolisii Federaalaa beeksise.

Dubbi-himaan Poolisii Federaalaa Itiyoophiyaa obbo Jeeyilaan Abdii, meeshaalee qabaman dhuunfaan harkaatti qabachuun dhorkaa dha, jechuun ibsa kennan.

Qondaaltotni kunneen garee HIWAHAT waliin shra dalaguun haleellaan Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa Izii Kaabaa irratti akka raawwatamu taasisaniiru jechuun shakkamanii hidhamuun isaanii himameera.

Maddi: VOA Afaan Oromoo

Yunivarsitii Koolleejiin Poolisii Oromiyaa Miseensota Eegumsa VIP Leenjii humna comisannaa fudhachaa turan har'a eebbisiise

Yunivarsitii Koolleejiin Poolisii Oromiyaa Miseensota Eegumsa VIP Leenjii humna comisannaa fudhachaa turan har'a eebbisiise.

Poolisii Humna Addaa Oromiyaatti Miseensonni Eegumsa VIP Leenjii addaa Yuniivarsiitii Koolleejii Poolisii Oromiyaa wiirtuu Leenjii Bulbulaattii leenjii isaanii hordofaa turan guyyaa har'aa bakka Daayireektarri Ol-aanaa Yunivarsiitii Koolleejichaa G.Komishinar Kaadhimamaa Dr. Geetachoo Ittaanaa fi Daayireektarri Daayireektorootii Dhimmoota Kominikeeshinii fi Miidiyaa Komishinii Poolisii Oromiyaa G.Komishinaraa Mulaatuu Hordofaa argamanitti Haala Nama gammachiisuun ebbifamanii jiru.

Daayireektarri Daayireetooreetii Dhimmoota Kominiikeeshiniif Miidiyaa Komishinii Poolisii Oromiyaa G.Komishinaraa Mulaatuu Hordofaa ergaa baga gammaddanii ebbifamtootaaf yeroo dabarsanitti akka jedhanitti dirqama addaa hoggantoota ol-aanoo eeguudhaaf isinitti kennamu akka baatanii fi ABO shanee Uummata Oromoo dararaa jiru kana barbadeessuudhaaf hojii Poolisiin Oromiyaa Hojjechaa jiruf humna cimaa akka taatan abdii guddaa qabaachuu kiyya ibsaa ABO shanee Uummata keenya ajjechaa suukkaneessaa fi dararaa hamaa irraan gahaa jiru akkuma Juntaa wayyaanee awwaallee biraa deebinettii yeroo dhihooo keessatti Oromiyaa keessaa dhabamsiisuuf hojjechaa misooma biyyi keenya eegalte kana galmaan gahuudhaaf dirqama gama Eegumsa VIPtiin isintti kennamu bifa leenjitaniin akka hojii irra olchitan dhamsakoon dabrsa jedhan.

G.Komishinar Kaadhimamaa Dr. Geetachoo Ittaanaa Wayita Qajeelfama hojii dabarsanitti akka jedhanitti Eebba guyyaa har'aa kan adda isa godhu yeroo Juntaan Wayyanee du'ee awwalametti tu'uu isaati. Isin ebbifamtonni Eegumsa VIP (Hanga'oota Mootummaa Ol-aan ) fi Maatii isaaniitiif da'oo fi gaachana taatanii egumsa barbaaachisaa ta'e taasisuudhaan jijjiirama biyyi keenya eegalte fixaan baasuudhaaf akka tumsitan jechaa dirqam addaa isinitti kennamuu danda'uufis kallattii hundaan akka of-qopheesitan jechudhaan gara hojiitti nagaan akka bobbaa'an qajeelfama hojii kennanii jiru.

Yunivarsiitii Koollejii Poolisii Oromiyaatti Hogganaan Addeemsa Barumsaa fi Leenjii Wiirtuu Leenjii Awwaash Bishoollee Komaandar Ashanafii Tashoomee gabaasa leenjii wayita dhiheessanitti Humna Juntaa wayyaanee balaleffachuudhaan humni kunisi Juntaan biyya saamee hin quufne awwaalamee jira ammas kallatti maraan Rayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa cinaa hiriiruuf akka of-qopheessuu fi ABO shanee barbadeessuudhaaf miira cimaadhaan akka hojjetu cimisanii huubachiisanii jiru.

Mai Kadra massacre by TPLF in Ethiopia

Mai Kadra massacre by TPLF in Ethiopia

Mai Kadra massacre by TPLF in Ethiopia

The Mai Kadra massacre was a series of ethnic cleansing and mass murders carried out on 9–10 November 2020 in the town of Mai Kadra, allegedly by forces loyal to the Tigray People's Liberation Front,[1] in the Tigray Region of northwestern Ethiopia, near the Sudanese border.[4]

The killings took place amidst an armed conflict between the TPLF-led regional government and the federal government, as troops of the Ethiopian National Defense Force were advancing towards the town. The victims have been described as "civilians, who appear to have been migrant laborers in no way involved in the ongoing military offensive," particularly those hailing from outside the area.[1]

The total death toll remains unclear, but according to Amnesty International, "likely hundreds" were killed.[5] Two videos, which were analyzed by Amnesty International to prove that the massacre had taken place, show dozens of corpses with injuries caused by bladed weapons, like machetes. According to the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC), which described the massacre as a "widespread and systematic attack directed against a civilian population" at least 600 people have been killed. Most of the victims were Amhara.[1][6]

Throughout 2019 and 2020, tensions progressively increased between the Ethiopian federal government, led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, and the local government of the Tigray Region, led by Chief Administrator Debretsion Gebremichael, over allegations that members of the ruling Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), which was the dominant force in Ethiopian politics after the fall of Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1991, were being unfairly targeted for prosecution by the central government, and misgivings of the Eritrea–Ethiopia peace deal, which the TPLF viewed as endangering its security.

Federal-state relations deteriorated considerably after the region held local elections in September 2020, which the TPLF claimed to have won in a landslide, despite the Ethiopian government having postponed elections until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[7] After the elections, both sets of governments proclaimed the other illegitmate and illegal; the federal government maintaining that the regional elections had been extra-constitutional and neither free nor fair, and the regional government insisting that the federal government did not uphold the constitution which stated that elections should occur every 5 years and that its mandate had expired, rendering its authority null and void.[7]

In November 2020, open conflict broke out between the two governments when Tigray Region security forces allegedly attacked the headquarters of the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) in Mekelle.[1] The federal government quickly launched an offensive to restore its authority, in concerted effort with regional security forces from the Amhara and Afar Regions. The Ethiopian government shut down communications in Tigray, access to the Internet was blocked, banking was closed for residents of Tigray, as was transportation to and from Tigray. The central government also imposed tight restrictions on access for aid and humanitarian agencies.[8] Despite these calls,[clarification needed] the Ethiopian government prioritized securing of the region's border with Sudan and the border town of Humera, thereby forestalling any possibility of TPLF forces opening a cross-border supply route.[9]



The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, an independent agency of the Ethiopian government, published its preliminary findings on 24 November, reporting that a few days before the attack, local militia (or "special force") and the police barred all exit points from Mai Kadra. Migrant workers, who mainly hailed from the neighboring Amhara Region, were additionally prohibited from going to their places of work or moving about the town.[2] Checkpoints were established at the four main exit points by a Tigrayan youth group known as "Samri". Residents who attempted to flee the town to the outlying farmlands or across the border to Sudan were forced back by the local security foces.[2][10]

On the morning of 9 November, local police began going door-to-door in certain neighborhoods, particularly those where migrant workers lived, checking identity cards to identify non-Tigrayans, detaining at least 60 people who were found to be in possession of Sudanese SIM cards in their mobile phones.[2][a] According to survivors, this was done to prevent calls for help or other communications once the attack had started, as the federal government had already shut off Internet and mobile services to the region, meaning Ethiopian SIM cards did not work.[5] Ethnic Tigrayan women and children were also told to leave the town shortly before the massacre.[citation needed]


The killings started in the early afternoon of 9 November, around 15:00, when a former militiaman who had refused to get involved as tensions mounted was killed by a former colleague and his body burned along with his house, according to survivors, including the militiaman's wife.[2][10] After this incident, the Samri, in groups of 20 to 30 each, accompanied by 3 or 4 members of the local police and militia, went house-to-house killing people who had already been identified as ethnic Amharas or other minorities, "beating them with batons/sticks, stabbing them with knives, machetes and hatchets and strangling them with ropes", as well as looting properties.[5] Because migrant workers were living up to 10 to 15 in a house, the death toll quickly escalated. Police and militiamen were posted at key street intersections, shooting anyone trying to escape the violence.[2] Some people managed to survive by hiding in rafters, pretending to be dead, or successfully evading security forces and fleeing into the rural hinterland. Nevertheless, some people were followed into the outlying areas and killed there as well. Many ethnic Tigrayan residents however gave shelter to their neighbors, by hiding them in their homes, in churches and on farms.[10] One woman first hid 13 people in her home, before leading them to a nearby farm, and another was struck by the Samri with a machete while trying to separate them from a man who had been lit on fire.[2]

Amnesty International has not yet been able to confirm who was responsible for the killings, but has spoken to witnesses who said forces loyal to the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) were responsible, apparently after they suffered defeat from the federal EDF forces. Three people told Amnesty International that survivors of the massacre told them that they were attacked by members of Tigray Special Police Force and other TPLF members.[1] According to witnesses, ethnic Amharas and local Wolkait people were the primary targets of the attack, but several members of other ethnic groups were also killed in the violence. Men were also specifically targeted over women and children, but many of them were physically injured and threatened with future attacks. The killings continued until the early hours of 10 November, when the perpetrators fled the town to avoid the advancing forces of the Ethiopian Army, which arrived late that morning.[2]


According to Amnesty, "scores", likely hundreds, were killed. Local media reported at least 500 fatalities.[1] While the EHRC was unable to independently confirm death tolls, local funeral committees estimated at least 600 people had been killed, taking three days to be buried in mass graves, and that this number did not include people who had been killed in the outlying areas and had yet be buried. Victims were being treated in hospital as far as Gonder. While most victims were men, several women had "suffered physical and mental injuries".[2]

Alternative account

A refugee, Barhat, aged 52, who had fled to Sudan and claimed to be present at the massacre recounted a different series of events. She had fled from "Moya Khadra" and was interviewed by Thomson Reuters. Barhat stated that she fled after people from the Amhara region attacked ethnic Tigrayans. She stated that people from Amhara "killed anyone who said they were Tigrayan. They stole our money, our cattle, and our crops from our homes and we ran with just the clothing on our backs."[3]

Wider region

Araqi Naqashi, a 48-year-old refugee stated that in an unnamed town, he "saw the bodies of people who had been slain thrown in the streets. Others who were injured were dragged with a rope tied to a rickshaw", further claiming that "the Tigrayans are being killed and chased down. Anything is looted, and our area was attacked with tanks".[3] Local Sudanese in the vicinity claimed to have heard airstrikes, and witnesses said that some of the refugees were wounded and were getting medical help at a medical facility. One said that bombings had "demolished buildings and killed people" and that he "escaped, part running on foot and part in a car, afraid [that] civilians are being killed".[3]

Humera massacre

Refugees who had been interviewed by the Daily Telegraph implicated the Ethopian military and Amhara militias in a massacre in Humera on unknown dates in early November 2020. The refugees stated that they "were attacked by knife-wielding militiamen from the neighbouring Amhara region, who had joined forces with federal troops and cut people to death as they tried to escape." Zenebe, an ethnic Tigrayan, stated, "The soldiers of Abiy Ahmed didn't differentiate between people. They crushed all the people. It is like a genocide." Gidey, also a Tigrayan, stated, "I saw soldiers kill a taxi man and the two people in the taxi because there was a poster of the Tigrayan president in the car." One witness said that he had seen twenty bodies killed by knives, guns and shelling.[11]

Federal government point of view

The Ethiopian government, which has repeatedly offered to shelter refugees internally, has suggested that such reports may be disinformation, similarly to how ethnic Hutus fled the country following the Rwandan genocide, including the Interahamwe which perpetrated the genocide, so too have members of the Samri and security forces and are seeking to mislead the international press by presenting themselves as victims.[12][10][13]


A witness said that of those who fled, many were women and children. The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said that the fighting in Ethiopia had prompted more than 11,000 people to flee into Sudan so far.[5] Amnesty International Director for East and Southern Africa, Deprose Muchena, urged the government to restore all communications to Tigray as an act of accountability and transparency for its military operations in the region and allow unfettered access to humanitarian organizations and human rights monitors. TPLF was also urged to make clear to their commanders that deliberate attacks on civilians are prohibited.[1] Tigray's leader Debretsion Gebremichael denied responsibility in a statement to Reuters, saying that "This is unbelievable ... this should be investigated," and accused Abiy of "creating facts on [the] ground".[5]

A group of investigators sent by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission visited Mai Kadra to investigate the mass killings[14] between 14 and 19 November 2020, as part of its investigations into human rights violations after reports of ethnic cleansing.[10] Its preliminary findings were released on 24 November.[2] The EHRC report found that a massacre of civilians did indeed took place on 9 November, by a Tigrayan youth group known as Samri aided by the then local administration security forces. EHRC Chief Commissioner Daniel Bekele said, "The unimaginably atrocious crimes committed against civilians for no reason other than their ethnicity is heartbreaking. Yet we are consoled by the stories of Ethiopians who saw beyond ethnic origin to come to the aid of their compatriots in their time of need. These stories keep the hope of a return to peaceful coexistence going. It is now an urgent priority that victims are provided redress and rehabilitation, and that perpetrators involved directly or indirectly at all levels are held to account before the law".[6]


  1. ^ In Ethiopia ID cards include one's ethnic identification.
  1. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i "Ethiopia: Investigation reveals evidence that scores of civilians were killed in massacre in Tigray state"Amnesty International. 12 November 2020. Archived from the original on 21 November 2020. Retrieved 12 November 2020.
  2. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j "Rapid Investigation into Grave Human Rights Violations in Maikadra: Preliminary Findings" (Digital report). Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Human Rights Commission. 24 November 2020. Archived from the original on 25 November 2020. Retrieved 24 November 2020.
  3. Jump up to:a b c d Khalid Abdelaziz, El Tayeb Siddig (13 November 2020). "Ethiopians fleeing to Sudan describe air strikes and machete killings in Tigray"ReutersArchived from the original on 26 November 2020. Retrieved 14 November 2020.
  4. ^ "Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: 'Civilians massacred', says Amnesty International"BBC World News.
  5. Jump up to:a b c d e Guilia, Parravicini (12 November 2020). "Ethiopia claims big advance in Tigray, Amnesty reports mass killing"Reuters. Retrieved 12 November 2020.
  6. Jump up to:a b "Maikadra massacre is a "crime of atrocity": Human Rights Commission"Addis Standard. 24 November 2020. Archived from the original on 25 November 2020. Retrieved 24 November 2020.
  7. Jump up to:a b Gebremedhin, Desta (5 November 2020). "Tigray crisis: Why there are fears of civil war in Ethiopia"BBC World News. Retrieved 12 November 2020.
  8. ^ "Ethiopia: Protect People as Tigray Crisis Escalates"Human Rights Watch. 13 November 2020. Retrieved 21 November 2020.
  9. ^ Atit, Michael (9 November 2020). "Sudan Closes Ethiopia Border Until Tigray Tensions Subside"Voice of America. Retrieved 12 November 2020.
  10. Jump up to:a b c d e "Ethiopia commission says Tigray youth group killed 600 civilians in November 9 attack"Reuters. 24 November 2020. Retrieved 24 November 2020.
  11. ^ Brown, Will (23 November 2020). "After the bombs they attacked with knives, claim Ethiopians fleeing peace prize winner's war". The Daily TelegraphArchived from the original on 24 November 2020. Retrieved 24 November 2020.
  12. ^ "'We just ran': Ethiopians fleeing war find little relief"Los Angeles Times. Associated Press. 24 November 2020. Retrieved 24 November 2020.
  13. ^ "Ethiopia State of Emergency Fact Check on Twitter". 24 November 2020. Retrieved 25 November 2020. We have received credible intelligence that TPLF operatives have infiltrated refugees fleeing into Sudan to carry out missions of disinformation. We caution media entities & international organizations to thoroughly investigate & verify information they receive.
  14. ^ "Two missiles target Ethiopian airports as Tigray conflict widens".

United States Secretary of State Pompeo’s Call with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy

United States Secretary of State Pompeo’s Call with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo spoke with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed today regarding the conflict in Tigray. Secretary Pompeo took note of the Government of Ethiopia’s November 28 announcement of the end of major military operations, but reiterated the United States’ grave concern regarding ongoing hostilities and the risks the conflict poses. 

The Secretary called for a complete end to the fighting and constructive dialogue to resolve the crisis. He stressed the willingness of the United States, the African Union envoys and other international partners to assist in dialogue and reconciliation. The Secretary underscored the importance of protecting civilians from further harm, including refugees and civilians fleeing the conflict into Sudan, and allowing international humanitarian organizations access to the Tigray region to ensure the unhindered flow of humanitarian assistance to those in need. 

He urged the Government of Ethiopia to ensure respect for human rights of Tigrayans and all ethnic groups. Secretary Pompeo highlighted the United States’ strong partnership with Ethiopia, our continued support for Ethiopia’s historic reform agenda, and the importance of Ethiopia’s role in promoting prosperity and stability on the Horn of Africa.

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