Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Unacceptable Act The war on Tigray: massacres of Tigrayans in western Tigray that is under Amhara occupation

Unacceptable Act The war on Tigray: massacres of Tigrayans in western Tigray that is under Amhara occupation

The war on Tigray has multiple dimensions, one of which is snatching Tigrayan lands. Following the Abiy Ahmed and Isaias march on Western Tigray, the Amhara region has occupied the area and is actively expelling and exterminating Tigrayans and installing Amhara administration.

Horrific reports of systematic Tigrayan extermination is taking place. When an AFP journalist visited Mai-Kadra, the newly installed Amhara ruler could not show one Tigrayan in the town despite his claim there are still Tigrayans. Imagine not finding one Tigrayan in a Tigrayan town.

Credible reports indicate that the Amhara vigilante groups that have occupied Western Tigray first massacre Tigrayans and bury them in mass graves. Then they claim they have found mass graves of Amharas killed by Tigrayans.

Today, Amhara Mass Media Agency posted about a staged demonstration where it says the people of Western Tigray have asked for incorporation into Amhara. This is a systematic ethnic cleansing of Tigrayans and an annexation of Tigrayan lands by another regional state, accomplished by the combined invasion of Tigray.

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