The European Parliament proposed negotiation with the TPLF Junta after framing the situation in Tigrai as a civil war.
As a long time friend, Ethiopia appreciates the concern of the European Union. But we respectfully disagree with the framing of the situation in Tigrai and the negotiation proposal drawn from the wrongly framed premises.
Framing the situation in Tigrai as a civil war is blatantly wrong. The Ethiopian government is only trying to arrest a dangerous criminal group hiding in Mekele. Every one, including the European Union, knows that the TPLF terrorist Junta was severely violating human rights not only in Ethiopia, but also in the whole of the Horn of Africa. Jail Ogaden, Maekalawi torture Center, Irreechaa Massacre, Lokie Massacre, Agnua massacre, the al-Shebab terror, the Somalia unrest, the South Sudan inistability, Ethio-Eritrea war, etc are few examples. Following the Change in 2018, the Junta has been sponsoring communal violences on the basis of ethnicity and religion that caused displacements and killings of many innocent Ethiopians.
After all, to the surprise of every one, the terrorist Junta of TPLF attacked the northern command of the Ethiopian Army and robbed military weapons in the evening of November 3/2020. Then it intetionally massacred more than 600 civilians in Micadra and fired rockets on civilian areas in Gonder and Bahirdar.
The Junta also attacked Asmera, the Eritrean capital, and facilitated migration to the Sudan to internationalize the conflict. This is an attack on the Ethiopian Unity and sovereignty! It is a crime of treason! It is a war crime! It is a crime against humanity! The Ethiopian government is undertaking law enforcement measures, as an indepebdent and sovereign country, to arrest this criminal Junta and ensure rule of law. There is no civil war!
In fact, we love peace and want to end conflicts around the table! The world knows how we solved the 20 year old border conflict with Eritrea. But it is simply impossible to negotiate with the TPLF mafia. First, the Ethiopian constitution, under article 18, clearly prohibits any dealing with human right violators and the Junta committed crimes against humanity several times. Second, there is no room for negotiation in the stand of the TPLF Junta.
The Junta wants either to rule for ever or disintegrate Ethiopia. We, the Ethiopian people, cannot accept both demands of the Junta. To be clear, we cannot afford to be slaves or stateless!
We believe that the Eropean Parliament supports the unity and prosperity of Ethiopia. If that is the case, please help us to arrest the TPLF Junta, the henious terrorist group and the enemy of humanity.

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