Thursday, November 26, 2020

Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen says government working to resettle Ethiopian refugees in Sudan

Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen says government working to resettle Ethiopian refugees in Sudan

H.E. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen met with U.K. Foreign Secretary Rt.Hon. Dominique Rabb and delivered the message from H.E. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and had a productive discussion on domestic and regional issues.
Mr. Demeke briefed the Foreign Secretary regarding the ongoing law enforcement measures by the Federal Government to ensure that the constitutional order is restored and TPLF criminals are apprehended and brought before the court of law.
The law enforcement operation only took three weeks to free areas that were under the control of the TPLF junta and people have now returned to their normal lives standing by and working with the federal national defense forces to ensure peace and stability, said the Minister.
Mr. Demeke also explained to the Foreign Secretary that ultimatum had been given to the perpetrators and their special forces and militias to surrender the opportunity of which some took advantage of and gave themselves up while others chose to continue to engage in what now can only be described as a desperate and foolish attempt of resisting the inevitable of being captured and brought to justice.
In places where federal national defense forces have controlled the TPLF junta have destroyed infrastructure including airports, an act which further proves the true character and ill-intent of these anti-peace forces, said the Minister.
The Minister also gave reassurance to Hon. Rabb that the Government together with the international agencies is working tirelessly to address the humanitarian situations with more humanitarian corridors opening up to reach those in need of humanitarian assistance.
Efforts are also under way to support those refugees who fled to Sudan to return and settle peacefully in their home country said Mr. Demeke adding that accessibility won’t be much of an issue now that more areas are liberated from the hands of the TPLF junta.

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